About the Forgotten
'About the Forgotten' is a short feature produced as a project within the Riga Summer School in the summer of 2016. It aims to depict the forgotten past of the Holocaust in Latvia where between 70 000 and 73 000 Latvian and non-Latvian Jews were killed. #abouttheforgotten #rigasummerschool
The video was shot in the Riga ghetto, which is nowadays an inhabited part of the city notorious for its criminal activities. The Jewish population of Latvia nowadays is scarce which contributes to forgetting the past events. Before and after the Nazi occupation in the country, Latvia was occupied by the Soviet Union: an occupation that left a scar in its historical memory and people's identity to present times. Still, the Holocaust was a dark part of the history there, as mainly Latvians were involved in terrorising and killing Jews, not Nazi Germans as many would think.