Earth Arts Festival 2016 - RONA16

Published by: Jassy Assistant Co-Ordinator for the Earth Arts Festival | 22-Apr-2016
Would you like to participate in an exciting initiative for creative expression? You are invited to exhibit either as a group show or as an individual artist in the Rights of Nature Australia Arts Festival 2016 (or RONA16). The website for RONA 16 is
Date: October 22nd 2016
Would you like to participate in an exciting initiative for creative expression? You are invited to exhibit either as a group show or as an individual artist in the Rights of Nature Australia Arts Festival 2016 (or RONA16). The website for RONA 16 is

RONA16 is an initiative of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance ( ). I attach a media release and flyer for your information.

Further information can be found on the RONA16 homepage- and on our 'Participate' page, which can be found here:


AELA is holding Australia's first Rights of Nature Tribunal in Brisbane on 22nd October 2016. This citizen's tribunal will hear cases presented by citizens and Earth lawyers concerned about the destruction of ecosystems in Australia. To support the Tribunal and promote cultural engagement with the emerging movement around the Rights of Nature, AELA is coordinating a national arts celebration - 'Rights of Nature Australia 2016' or 'RONA16'. Our intention is to blend the creative re-interpretation of environmental governance with cultural responses to the rights of the natural world to flourish.

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