Entries for 2017 STARTS Prize are now being accepted
Science, Technology & Arts - STARTS: On Behalf of the European Commission, Ars Electronica, BOZAR and the Waag Society are Calling for Entries to the 2017 STARTS Prize Competition. (Linz/Brussels, January 11, 2017) The European Commission cordially invites artists, scientists and technicians, teams, collectives and firms to take part in this year"s STARTS Prize competition. Entries are now being accepted. STARTS honors projects that demonstrate the successful interplay of science, technology and art, and that have the potential to contribute to economic and social innovation. The two prizewinners each receive €20,000 and will be prominently featured at the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, the BOZAR Electronic Arts Festival in Brussels and at the Waag Society in Amsterdam.
Web: https://starts-prize.aec.at/en/
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An international jury convenes on April 10th to choose the winning projects, which will be presented at a press conference in early May. The official awards ceremony is set for September 8th in conjunction with the Prix Ars Electronica Gala in Linz. Entries for 2017 STARTS Prize consideration may be submitted online beginning today, January 11th; the deadline is March 3th. There is no entry fee.