Hip Hip Decay
On display 11 April - 26 May 2019 is the exhibition Hip Hip Decay by artist Suzanne McRae.
Venue: Australian Design Centre
Address: 101-115 William Street (Corner of Palmer and William Street)
Date: 11 April - 26 May 2019
Time: 24 Hour viewing
Ticket: Free
Web: https://australiandesigncentre.com/object-space/suzanne-mcrae/
: https://www.facebook.com/australiandesigncentre
: https://www.instagram.com/australiandesigncentre/
: https://www.linkedin.com/in/australiandesigncentre/?ppe=1
: https://twitter.com/AusDesignCentre
EMail: hello@australiandesigncentre.com
Call: 293614555
Address: 101-115 William Street (Corner of Palmer and William Street)
Date: 11 April - 26 May 2019
Time: 24 Hour viewing
Ticket: Free
Web: https://australiandesigncentre.com/object-space/suzanne-mcrae/
: https://www.facebook.com/australiandesigncentre
: https://www.instagram.com/australiandesigncentre/
: https://www.linkedin.com/in/australiandesigncentre/?ppe=1
: https://twitter.com/AusDesignCentre
EMail: hello@australiandesigncentre.com
Call: 293614555
Suzanne McRae's creatures are the anthropomorphic bridge between human and animal, the past and present, and truth or dream. A melancholic yet enticing longing for ornaments from past generations. They may seem strange and awkward now, but they have miraculously outlived their owners. The stained and moth-eaten fabrics, cracks and threads, shining eyes, all conglomerate to remind us of great grandparents' Victorian Era dining rooms now disintegrated.
Object Space is a window gallery located in the window of the ADC Offices on William Street in Darlinghurst. The exhibition space has direct street frontage, is accessible to view 24 hours a day and is lit for viewing at night.
Object Space is a window gallery located in the window of the ADC Offices on William Street in Darlinghurst. The exhibition space has direct street frontage, is accessible to view 24 hours a day and is lit for viewing at night.