International call for event coordinators of Woman Scream Festival 2018

Published by: Women Poets International Movement MPI | 14-Nov-2017
The Women Poets International Movement extends a new invitation to volunteer coordinators of events for global chain of the Woman Scream Festival
Venue: Worldwide
Address: Dominican Republic
Date: March 1st to 31st 2018
Ticket: free
The Women Poets International Movement (Mujeres Poetas Internacional MPI, Inc.) extends a new invitation to groups, cultural institutions, poets and altruistic artists to take part as volunteer coordinators of events within the global chain of the upcoming Woman Scream International Poetry and Arts Festival, which will be celebrating its 8th edition on Mach, 2018. Woman Scream will pay a tribute to mothers around the world under the motto "Flashlights of hope", as mothers guidance is one of the most important inspirations towards the fight for a future free from all kinds of violence. Woman Scream 2018 will also be dedicated to those mothers who have lost their daughters due to domestic violence.

The 8th Woman Scream edition will being on March 1st., 2018 and will go around the globe with different cultural activities up to March 31st. having Mexico City as the main opening place for the festival, and serving as location for the 2nd. International Encounter of the MPI Movement with Woman Scream collaborators, friends and followers of the cause who wish to attend. More details about the encounter coming soon.

Any institution or group interested in becoming part of this worldwide event as volunteer coordinator, do please request the participation guidelines on the contact area of the page for English, go straight to our blog contact section at and send your request/proposal.

- Woman Scream, (Grito de Mujer) is a worldwide chain of events celebrated in March, where institutions, poets and artists of different countries volunteer to honor women, sending messages of self-esteem, respect and rising voices against women violence through different artistic manifestations and themes. It includes free events for the public such as: Conferences, art exhibits, poetry recitals, concerts, fairs, theater presentations, films, etc.

Woman Scream festival has been celebrated in over 70 countries since 2011, with over 800 successful events coordinated by volunteers. Woman Scream started at the Dominican Republic and spread throughout the world thanks to the volunteer work of women and men who have joined the coordination team on their cities.

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