Invitation to the Opening Celebration of TRANSCENDENTAL COUCH Exhibition by Jessie Cunningham-Reid

Published by: Jonathon Miller | 31-Oct-2017
All welcome to the Opening Celebration of TRANSCENDENTAL COUCH Exhibition by Jessie Cunningham-Reid from 6.30 - 8.30 pm on Thursday November 9th at the L A U R E N T Gallery, 115 Thistlethwaite St, South Melbourne. Free Entry! Exhibition runs until Nov 28th.
Venue: God Stuff Art Space
Cunningham-Reid"s paintings express an ongoing exploration of a visual language that portrays her interest in spatial relationships, colour and humanity.

Her recent trip to the New York Studio School reignited her passion for drawing as a philosophy and the necessity for training one"s eye to truly see.

Cunningham-Reid describes her artistic experience as looking at a space from a place of unknowing and finding authentic marks, translated into an artwork using herself as an epistemological tool.

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