Play It Forward Delivers BRAVO's New Choir Program & Arts Charity Partner

Published by: CarolineK | 29-Oct-2019
Play It Forward is thrilled and honoured to have been chosen to help deliver the exciting new community choir program on board Australia's prestigious BRAVO Cruise of Performing Arts for their 2020 season. BRAVO Cruise of Performing Arts has also chosen Play It Forward as their nominated arts charity, giving their passengers the opportunity to support Jonathon Welch's extraordinary vision and work delivering inclusive arts programs for all Australians.
"It's been such a privilege to be working with BRAVO to help deliver their onboard Passenger Choir and workshops for the last 6 years, and I'm honoured to have their support of my work through Play It Forward also" said Dr Jonathon Welch AM, Founding Artistic Director of Play It Forward.

It's exciting to be able to extend an opportunity for community choirs to come on board this world class arts festival and perform around the ship and show the passengers just how wonderful our choirs are here in Australia" said Jonathon.

"The choirs will come on board as passengers and get the chance to enjoy all the amazing artists as well of course. We will only have limited space for a few choirs on each cruise to perform, so it will be a unique opportunity for everyone to experience.

And, it will be a World first!" said Jonathon.

For further information about this possible opportunity for your choir - email us at:

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