Selected photographs by Anna Carey at the Ipswich Art Gallery

Published by: Ipswich Art Gallery | 11-Aug-2016
Growing up on the Gold Coast sparked Anna Carey's interest and fascination with mid-twentieth century architecture.
Venue: Ipswich Art Gallery
Address: d'Arcy Doyle Place (Nicholas St), Ipswich, Queensland 4305
Date: Until Saturday, 9 October 2016
Time: 10am to 5pm daily
Ticket: Free
Call: 738107222
Growing up on the Gold Coast sparked Anna Carey's interest and fascination with mid-twentieth century architecture.

Her work overlaps both photography and sculpture as she meticulously creates small architectural models of buildings and then photographs them to create an illusion of space. As a result these strangely familiar architectural spaces become hard to define and slip into the urban myths, fragments of remembered patterns and textures in the ever-changing city.

The exhibition is accompanied by an activity where children can craft their own mini-interior from recycled materials.

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