The ISO That Nearly Stole Christmas

Published by: CarolineK | 10-Dec-2020
Bursting with wit, charm and festive highlights from throughout the ages, The ISO That Nearly Stole Christmas celebrates the Christmas concerts we've loved in the past and nearly lost in 2020. With your host Sammy J and many guest artists this concert promises to be the hottest ticket in town. Skunkworks Productions in collaboration with the Melbourne Digital Concert Hall invites music and comedy lovers to rediscover Christmas, ISO style.
Venue: Athenaeum Theatre & Live Streamed
Date: Saturday 12th December
Time: 7.30 - 9pm
Ticket: $34 - $49
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We are so excited for this lineup! Our MC, Sammy J is a comedian, writer and composer. He is a nerd and the host of ABC Radio Melbourne Breakfast and has a weekly sketch on ABC TV + iview. Symphony in J Minor album out now.

Sammy J will be joined by guest artists including Ali McGregor, Nina Ferro, Danielle Matthews, Eddie Muliaumaseali'i, Claire Lyons, Andrew Broadbent, Georgia Wilkinson, Shauntai Batke, Jude Perl and The Toshi Clinch Trio, this concert promises to be the hottest ticket in town.

Skunkworks Productions Limited is a not for profit independent arts organisation that is committed to providing opportunities for community bands, orchestras and aspiring musicians to improve their skills through development projects, professional productions and collaborations with established professional artists.

Live Audience at the Athenaeum Theatre & Live Streamed through Melbourne Digital Concert Hall

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